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Time flies, how is Chinas urban rail planning and construction going in the middle of 2018?

Release time: 2018-07-17

The construction of China's new urban rail line will continue to grow in 2018.

From the beginning of the year till now, many cities have announced the progress and plans of the construction of rail transit in the next five years or even ten years.

By the end of 2021, all 20 subway lines under construction in Beijing will be open; Guangzhou metro is planning to build six new lines in order to connect with residential areas. Eight subway lines in Shenzhen will radiate to Dongguan and Huizhou. And Tianjin, Nanjing, Jiujiang or other cities have announced the rail transit planning.

It shows that Chinese urban rail transit market is a growth industry for a long time.

宣化县| 区。| 玛沁县| 洮南市| 柳江县| 周至县| 太谷县| 莫力| 新兴县| 腾冲县| 江华| 平阳县| 神木县| 顺平县| 凤翔县| 宣恩县| 三明市| 凤阳县| 广平县| 宜宾市| 沁水县| 永嘉县| 黑河市| 迭部县| 察哈| 尚志市| 恩施市| 纳雍县| 阳东县| 原平市| 壶关县| 韶关市| 罗江县| 改则县| 荥阳市| 康乐县| 安陆市| 界首市| 汝阳县| 手机| 鹰潭市|